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Old 20th Sep 05, 05:00 PM
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Forceware 'Rel80' goes for ATi's jugular
NVidia have always been a company to look closely at it's history before making a step forward, and it's paid off. Not wanting to take a nose-dive like 3Dfx did in it's day, the company has always kept a few surprises up it's sleeve.

A couple of years ago, GeForce3 was the dominating product on the market, while ATi relied on original Radeon marchitecture, which was no match for the GeForce 2 GTS, Ultra and of course - GeForce3!

Just as ATI went for the launch of its answer to GeForce 3 - the Radeon 8500 baby - Nvidia came out of nowhere with a "performance driver", which solved several bugs and enabled GeForce3 to leapfrog over the newcomer.

Now it intends to do the same as it did back then by releasing a driver that allows a user to mix different vendors (in the same series) on SLi mode, Linux will see SLi mode with the release of the driver, and well.. if you can't wait until the official release heres a link to the v81.26 beta driver that has leaked.

Download: Forceware v81.26 BETA | 18 MB (Windows 2000/XP)
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