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Old 25th Aug 05, 11:33 PM
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James55 James55 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Carmichael,California,Usa
Posts: 647
James55 is on a distinguished road
Mo I am James55. Moderator here. Ive been playing with a clean and sober group. We do classic rock,blues,just plain old ROCK! Some of what we do- Lynyrd Skynyrd,Nickleback, Metallica,Robert Cray,Eric Clapton,Bob seger, Stevie Ray Vaughn,Rolling stones and just about anything else that comes up. I have a second group now also where we do all original material. I paly the guitar. I have an american made limited edition "none more black " fender strat and a Gibson SG for electrics. I also play 2 acoustic-Electrics. A Takamine and an epiphone. Amps are a 150 watt Line 6 Spider II 212 and a Line 6 HD147 300 watt head with a 4X12 cab. I quit playing for a long time as I was too busy killing myself with dope. I got clean and sober for some years then had a couple strokes from diabetes and found my left arm very stiff and numb. I picked the guitar up again as therapy at first to loosen up my left hand. Someone heard me play and liked what I was doing( Ive been playing about 25 years altogether). When I started again I could barely play 30 minutes before I had to quit. I can now play a few hours at a time. We are going to a music/Campout this weekend where about 150 musicians are gathering at a private ranch for a couple of days. They are erecting an outside stage to play on.
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