Originally Posted by ~*McoreD*~
It's a grey area anyway. In my opinion, once you have bought the hardware it's yours. You should have the full rights playing with it.
I couldn't agree more, and I can't begin to express my frustration for heavilly-bribed lawmakers who seem to think otherwise. I can buy some components and put together my own PC or games console, which does what I want. Similarly, it should be perfectly within my rights to buy an existing console, and modify it as I see fit.
Five years ago I would have never expected that tinkering with electronics, or modifying your own devices to do what you wanted them to, could possibly become illegal.
SIRCOOKS, no matter how stupid we think the laws are, we don't have much of a choice but to abide by them. Therefore, we cannot help you with your problem. I would advise you find a forum hosted in countries where the legal system is still relatively sane, and ask your questions there. I would also advise that you spend a few minutes of your time, writing to your senator/MP/representative urging them to take a stand against our gradual loss of freedom to tinker with electronics.