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Old 4th Mar 05, 07:03 AM
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TheCrossMovement TheCrossMovement is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: IL
Posts: 135
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Just Saying Hey...
Hey guys&gals,

Thought I'd pop in unexpected to say hey to my B1 community which I used to call "home" several years ago when it first started in 2001. Over the years, I just kinda let this fade away. But I'd never forget you people...whoever I knew. I even modded this forum for a short while back in the day......ahhh the memories

Hope everyone is doing alright. I also want to say excellent work to whomever keeps this site maintained and updated and looking as great as it does. Its much more user friendly and easier to use, no doubt about it! This place sure has come a LONG way. Love the new icons and drop down menus. SO much eaiser and way better to use. Can't wait to see the live IRC chatting from the front page. That looks to be awesome. U should try and make it so you can chat str8 from the frontpage rather than having to open an IRC program and join this and that.

Take Care,
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