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Old 28th Dec 04, 11:57 PM
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KingCobra KingCobra is offline
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Family - Politics & Religion
Let me just say that like a regular close family you always have people that speak openly inside that family about different topics, mostly politics & religion. It would be a lie to say we agree with everything others say, but we should respect their views and move forward as a family. On a board such as this, we need to understand the several view points of our members and respect them. We have found a common ground, computers, which has brought us together as an internet family... lets not forget that.

We do not have to agree on everything and don't take offence if we don't.

We can move forward as many other GREAT families have by either understanding other view points or just avoiding fights with them because of their views. I don't ask others to be quiet, just be more caring of others views.

My $.02

Last edited by KingCobra : 29th Dec 04 at 10:43 AM.
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