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Old 14th Dec 04, 02:32 AM
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DopeWeasel DopeWeasel is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Under some Facist Dictatorship
Posts: 194
DopeWeasel can only hope to improve
I've got an old Castillia accoustic guitar that I've had since I was 13 (I'm 27 now). I won't ever get rid of that thing, that guitar is more an extension of my body now then a musical instrument. It's soooo beat up now though, there's a small hole in the side of the body, the spaces between the frets are all convex now, it's actually been broke for a month (just a string peg).

I've also got a really nice left handed Ibanez SR500L Bass that plays great but the active electronics annoy me at times. My left hand (pick hand on guitar) middle finger is blistered from practicing some fretboard tapping and bends earlier tonight.

I keep telling myself that I'm going to do something with this ability that I have, but I honestly get so frustrated with the people that I've been working with in the past couple of years. I can't seem to meet anyone that actually has both the dedication, and the ability that I need... I can't work with alot of people (guitarists mainly) simply because they can't keep up. I want to play bass in a band, but if I'm better then the guitar player what good is it for me to be sitting on the bass? And I've got a slew of songs I've written for the guitar that I can't find anyone to play. I don't think what I do is exceptionally hard, it's just because of the odd chords, harmonics and rhythms in my music.

Oh well, I've got college classes to think about again... fare thee well oh distant stage.
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