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Old 16th Aug 02, 07:41 PM
Shakti Shakti is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 7

first problem:the .NET RC1 bootloader, called NTLDR, is NOT able to load W2K. Normally would a bootloader from a never operating system be able to do this, it`s a bug from RC1. What you can do is to create a W2K bootdiskette, save your W2K bootloader NTLDR also on this diskette, and, after installation of RC1, boot W2K from diskette.
second problem: RC1 will not update your W98 on C:, so you have to do a clean install on C:, and i don`t know if it`s agood idea to install RC1 on and over the same folders were W98 is installed.
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