Thread: New Pc
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Old 10th Aug 04, 06:40 AM
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I've collected all the parts I'd like to get from Newegg, now all's I need is the money. Anyone wanna donte to the "TCM I need a new PC" fund? lol. Anyone??

I thought about buying 1 component at a time...a few weeks at a time, but I really would prefer to have all the parts right there in front of me and not have to sit and wait for who knows how long week after week.

I'm so ready to do this its not even funny, I'm just lacking the funds right now and with other bills to pay, it seems as though I'll never get my chance to build a new PC.

Not really serious about anyone helping me with money since noone really knows me round here except the select few who were here back in B1's early days when I used to be a Mod. But I do have a paypal acct if anyone actually is interested
.......and thats the bottom line cuz Jesus Christ said so!
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