Looks like you have the basis for a good computer there. Can i offer a word of encouragemnt as you seem to have the basic components sorted? Building your first PC seems like a daunting task if you have little experience of how it all fits together. The pile of parts looks like a mountain when you get all the box's home. Here's the big point of my inane ramblings- it's not hard. The components themselves will only fit in the right places- an AGP Graphics card will not fit into a PCI slot and vice versa, memory will only fit in the slot one way- and don't be scared of applying a little pressure to get the prts in place. I get called out a lot to first time builders/upgraders because the memory doesn't seem to fit of the PCI card won't seat properly
And if all else fails read the manual. I have been building systems for 9 years now, starting with upgrading the P160 system my father left when he died, and every now and again i get caught out by the postion of a single jumper or a change in the BIOS that makes no sense to a rational person :P
Youu havent said what graphics card you are looking at. As a rule of thumb NVIDIA are the most common cards and can usually be found dirt cheap in most stores Just because they are cheap doesnt mean they are crap. Saying that you really do get what you pay for, a cheap NVIDIA card will often perform well enough for the novice gamer, i would reccomend you look at an ATI card from personal preference. They are usually mid price range cards but they are more robust from a driver perspective. I never had a problem with my Radeon 9000 pro, yet the FX5200 i use at the moment seems to only like certain NVIDIA drivers. The ATI took whatever drivers i threw at it and worked fine. I know that i am going to get half a dozen pm's saying that NVIDIA are better than ATI etc but i'm giving my honest opinion- not running for office

Try looking at the 9000 series cards from ATI, you may find one that suits your price range, what ever it is
Will come back after a few hours aleep and hope the thread hasn't resorted to an all out flame fest about GPU's!