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Old 11th Jun 04, 11:00 PM
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Brave01Heart Brave01Heart is offline
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Just thought I'd add my few words of support to all the others, in your time of need.

My mum died when I was only 6 years old and left my Dad with 5 boys to bring up and the oldest was only 14, but he did it and worked for 12 hours a day to feed and clothe us. He did a great job to.

Dad died about 10 years ago now and although he's no longer with us, I often think of him many times a week and as soon as I do this, I see his smiling face as clear as day in my mind, just as if he was still with me, and I remember all of the good times we had as a family. So you see BC, even though your Dad has gone, he can still be there for you, even if it's only in spirit.

When you need comfort and understanding, just think of your Dad and he'll always be there for you, day or night, no matter where you are.


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