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Old 4th Jun 04, 07:46 AM
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TheCrossMovement TheCrossMovement is offline
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You guessed it, its the return of......ME...TheCrossMovement. This a major moment in B1 History. Actually no, its not really a big deal.......just thought I'd pop in and say a suprise hello to all who knew or remember me, and a shout out 2 those who don't. I was one of the founding members of B1, and I used 2 mod this place. I "retired" when I became too busy to be a good mod, and life became too demanding. I just sorta disappeared from here and dropped off the face of the world......but I wanted to come back and re-visit my old "stompin grounds" if U will.

Will be around here and there, so plz post. Mayb I'll make some new friends, and revive some old ones..


.......and thats the bottom line cuz Jesus Christ said so!
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