It should be nice with a US president listening to the world opinion. I don't mind that.
But in a total; what a sad reading. I'm sorry KC but this would turn your president into a very small (? the opposite to great I mean) person.
It is time for America to focus on its own welfare and its own citizens.
As US done exactly that for ages there is a severe lack of consistence in the text. 5% av the planets population and 25% of the pollution. Thank you US. September 9 in Chile. Thank you US. A massive debt to the UN. Thank you US. Veto against the proposed resolutions against Saddam. Thank you. Vietnam, Orange X and napalm against kids. Thank you. Grenada. The oil in Iraq, not to mention all the WMDs against the Kurds. Thank you again.
For God's sake, if US would only stay in the USA many would applause that.
Then USA has taken part in many good, and very good, actions too. Things are complicated, money dirty and politics is most often mirroring the human collective at the poor stage of our development. I see no easy solutions but getting childish and more narrowminded can't be the way.