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Old 12th May 04, 09:01 PM
Zone-MR Zone-MR is offline
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I saw this video yesterday. To quote Dan:
[Grizzly] believe me it's the sort of thing you can never erase from your mind
[Grizzly] I wish I hadn't watched it
I think it's entirely redundant for me to state that the people responsible for this do not even deserve to be called people. It's also entirely sick that this isn't the action of one or two individuals condemned by the rest of their society - the majority of the Muslim population (even those living abroad as you have shown) see it as a honorary act of justice!

Slightly OT: There was a radio interview here (in the UK) recently in which various Muslims living in the UK voiced their opinions. All of them except for one claimed they supported Al-Quedas acts of terrorism. The one which was against terrorism gave the reason "I don't support terrorism because innocent muslims might be accidentally killed in the attacks". I fail to comprehend why people who hate the UK so much choose to live here.
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