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Old 29th Mar 04, 04:56 AM
Tomboy Tomboy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 108
Tomboy is an unknown quantity at this point

"1. I would go back to the starting point and switch either Adam or Eve to a black person."

What makes you think they weren't already black?

"2. At the point of Nhoa Arc and all the water (my translation to English, it might be called something else by your religion) I would see to that every human aboard was of a different race."

Noah's Ark is the correct english spelling. The purpose of the Ark was to save the only righteous people left in the world (and the animals) from the flood. The last I knew, righteousness had nothing to do with race. I see the world becoming more and more like the moral cesspool that existed just before the flood. The cheapness of life and lack of justice only grow worse with each passing day.

"3. Then my problem is that I don't believe in any God so 1. and 2. seems useless. So, now I would go right into the future, say a few houndred years from now just to check ouy what I really should have done."

I have to agree that is a pretty serious problem. It takes a lot more faith to "not believe" in God than to believe based on the multitude of evidence around us.

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