*WeeKeND QuestION* TiME TRAVEL - Answer truthly
Ok sure [more then likely its not possible but what if it was] ... What 3 things in a fesiable/do-able order would you go back and change
OK all my answer's have to do with slavery
1.I would go back and for a month hit the lottery
WHY not to get rich but to get enough money to get guns, rocket-launcher's and gernades etc........ oh and some old money for the trip
2.I would then go back to the time when all th0se land dead's was signed and steal them all [You know when they got manhatten for pennies on the dollar etc..... ]
3.I would then go foward a bit but still back in time AND free all slaves
*What brought this question or thought to me was* a pbs special hosted by the guy who player klinger on mash