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Old 20th Feb 04, 08:33 PM
war59312 war59312 is offline
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Originally posted by ~*McoreD*~@Feb 20 2004, 04:45 AM
Do you mean something like this ?
um what excatly does this do?

make my script for you?

that would be sweet

and if you could make an installer mean it installs all the other needed files for u

that would be asome

thanks for all your help man

now goign to take a look at what you said below

um ok i see what it does now... ti working..just gives u that error if nothing in the clipboard but thats cool

um now its acting werid lol

oh ok wont do or something like that...

guess the : fs it up

The thing is i want the user to be able to choose this part of it:

Start /w quake3.exe +set fs_game q3ut3 +nosplash +set com_hunkmegs 128 +com_zoneMegs 32 +com_soundmegs 32 +connect Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 /prefetch:1

Those were just my options.

oh and if possible i need it to creat the same bat file every time, like connect.bat or something because thats what the all seeing eye would be set to the entire time.

know what i mean? it needs to stay the same...

also one question the default directories look good..but does it automattically decet the folders or is it just set to that...

mean that would be cool if it actually tries to find it... u know so it u have it installed somewere

or u can just keep it the same..thats cool..anything is... since your doing all the hard work...

u the man....

and yea of course u get 100% full credit...

you are the man!!!

also i was thinking instead of it just creating the script it creates the script and then runs it

so then in the all seeing eye it connect to your app and the ip address of the server in the the clipboard

and then you just click say "Go!" and it creates the script and then runs it.

That would be pefect. Plus think most people would love to have a qui then command line.

but i would still like for it to just make the same bat file every time or you end up with a ton of them lol

or u chould just delete it afterwords i guess

oh and btw the connect part as too look like this to work...has to be in ""

+connect "ipaddress"

so yea it does not work right now

also do u know if there is a way to make all the dos windows hidden so u never see them?

and this dont even work for some reason Start /MIN Minimizer.exe mabye u know of a way...u know so u dont have to click ok every time.

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