Well four transformers have blown out in the front sreet of my house.

Sounded like a sonic boom and bright donkey blue light. Scared the poopie out of me.
Power has been out since my last post..went out five mins afterwoods and has been out since and probally wont be back on untill morning. faqing sucks. Gotta go...damn battry for my computer only last 5 more mins....got to send a damn report to my damn teacher...even though we did not have class today...
also just was notivied no class tommorow eithe...pretty faqing sweet....lol....damn its so faqing icey outside...
looks like my mom is stuck at work...she wroks at the hospital...shes the head nurse of women and chrildan..they are busy as hell....
but damn gotta go..later...
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