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Old 13th Dec 03, 01:43 AM
PCTech PCTech is offline
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I was wondering, how could this be done...A Central Computer or Server is being used by a Company, all the sub divisions will be given control over a region (ie. South East Region, North East Region, etc...) If you have a Database all of the following, Customers (including debt, outstanding projects, services to be done, past work, etc); and Inventory, Vendors, Payroll, Monthly Reports, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, etc... a whole pot load of them! Would it be better to have one huge database and organize them into tables and what not? Now here is my main question I need help with. I'm trying to develope my own Inventory/Company Management Software Solution. How can a server or multiple servers house the same database containing the EXACT same data, 1. if data is updated transmit it to another site to let them know "HEY WE DONT HAVE 3 of that no more!"? Is there a way to only update changed database records? Would it be easier to use winsock and have commands through that like

Select Case data case SubtractItem 'code here to subtract said item from inventory case AddItem 'Duh case AddCustomer 'code here to transmitt data and have all regions add a customer

Should I use a central database, and allow for updates to be sent through winsock to all other servers as changes are made? Is there an update_changes_only command for a database that is connected to an SQL server? Can you update across the internet? What is the most efficiate programming way to do this? Does anyone know what i'm talking about!? LOL. I was just wondering what everyone thought about this, and I do need some advice on where and how to proceed! Thanks for any and all help

Warmest Regards,

PS. 13 days till i'm off from work for a day!
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