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Old 18th Aug 03, 01:19 AM
Posts: n/a
QuarkXPress is powerful layout software with an intuitive, versatile interface that lets you combine writing, editing, and typography with color and pictures to produce dynamic final output.

QuarkXPress is widely used by magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, typesetters, printers, corporate publishers, design firms, catalog houses, book publishers, and form designers. It is also used by businesses with publishing requirements.

Intuitive and adaptable interface
Picture manipulation and color management
Flexible options for importing and editing text
Precise and professional typography
Multiple document layout and text flow options
Share attributes among complex projects
Tools for creative document design
Professional printing capabilities
Tools for media-independent publishing
XTensions software for customizing workflow
QuarkXPress Passport

The suggested retail price for QuarkXPress 6 is $1,045 (U.S. dollars).
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