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Old 6th Apr 03, 01:34 AM
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Manny, u have done something like this for sure:
u had Office XP and upgraded/installed Office 2003 beta 2
uninstalled Office 2003 beta 2
installed Office XP
upgraded/installed Office 2003 beta 2 again.

I got the same error. What I did was:
uninstalled Office 2003 beta 2/Office XP
installed Office 2000
upgraded to Office XP successfully
upgraded to Office 2003 beta 2 successfully.

Uninstall Office 2003. And try the FIXMAPI.EXE. Then try reinstalled Office 2003. Hopefully it should work.
Microsoft has included the FIXMAPI.EXE utility to detect and restore the MAPI32.DLL file.

FIXMAPI.EXE will not replace MAPI32.DLL if it is set to Read Only. Before using this document make sure the MAPI32.DLL file is not read only.

Click on your Windows Start button and point to Search/Find, and choose (For) Files or Folders.
Type in the file name MAPI32.DLL, then click Find/Search.
Once it is found, right-click the file and choose Properties.
Make sure there is not a check in the Read Only box, then hit OK.

Now that the MAPI32.DLL is not read-only we can run the FIXMAPI.EXE.
Click on your Windows Start button, point to Search/Find and choose (For) Files or Folders.
Type in the file name FIXMAPI.EXE, then click Find/Search.
Once the file is located, stop the search if it is still running. Then, double-click on the FIXMAPI.EXE file. It will appear that nothing has happened.
But you've fixed the MAPI32.DLL.
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