@war59312 -> Its people like your father that I'm in totall awe of. Those are amazing words, and I never thought of Iraq's culture similiar to old Nazi Germany. That is a truly scary thought.
@All -> We must all love our nation, and love our neighbors in times like these. Understanding that people kill each other for religious reasons is totally beyond me. Granted that some sections of Judaism are very strict, I will do my best to help my fellow neighbors to try and create a understanding bond between two parties. Basically, I hope that this war, if that is the final judgement, will finally stop this nonsence and progate love and respect throughout. Yes, it may sound washy, but its just a hope. We should all bow are heads in respect for the men & women who are risking their lives to protect ours and our already fragile culture. Love and respect, is that a global possiblity? Or are people still greedy, or feel threaten? I have many questions. Though I don't want to bore anyone here with a novela. I want to pay my respects. I hope I have done that to par.

Bless you all.