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Old 22nd Jan 03, 12:48 AM
Zone-MR Zone-MR is offline
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Just to clarify something. DormantEagle is member ID 121, you are 231. He has been with us significantly longer. This is IRRELEVANT, so please dont bring it up, especially as your facts are incorrect.

Secondly, the post was not deleted because we dissagreed with your opinion. It was deleted because you criticised text on betaone, which stayed there for a total of 5 seconds, and you made it PERMANANT in your criticism. There was nothing to edit, as the entire post was a log and one sentance. THIS post, however asks a question, does it honeslty, and we are prepared to discuss.

As I already mentioned, I agree with your concerns and am working on addressing them now. All I dissagred with was the WAY in which you brought the problem to our attention.
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