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Old 19th Jan 03, 04:08 AM
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BearCat BearCat is offline
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@ Cactus

Hallacas (pronounced AH-JAC-KA) : se the picture above.

The hallaca is the main Venezuelan Christmas dinner dish. It was created by the slaves during the colony times. They put the left-overs of their master's Christmas festivities in a bit of cornmeal dough, wrapped this with banana leaves and cooked to mix the flavors. The hallaca has the influence of three cultures, the white one (European ingredients like raisins, nuts and olives), the native one (the corn meal colored with onoto seeds), and the black one (banana leaves used to cook the food). The original hallaca is made with meat (pork, poultry, beef, lard, crisp pork rind, etc) or chicken/turkey and boiled eggs. The hallaca tastes better once it has cooled. It requires hours of preparation, but it is usually prepared by the whole family. Its preparation is a celebration by itself. Music and drinks make up the festive atmosphere. Mothers nagging children as they steal bits of fillings from the table, and the guys complaining of being relegated to the leaf cleaning and last minute shopping are typical during the hallaca making party.
Each family make "their" type of filling, and when people go for visits others, they usually bring hallacas, and sort of exchange them with eachother

Please note: the banana leaves are not intended to be eaten, they are just for cooking!

They taste GREAT ! :P

Muchos gracias mi cielito, for introducing me to this food
(o o)

Oh, people can come up with statistics to prove anything. 14% of people know that.

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