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Old 8th Sep 01, 06:22 PM
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BigHead50 BigHead50 is offline
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Hey Guys, I have a problem when I use flash fxp to download, I get corupt files.
What I mean is that I downed a set of RAR files for a bin,cue image files and they seemed to down OK but when I open them with winrar it shows an unexpected end and file corupt error message,for EVERY file?. And even if I tell winrar to make file with errors, it will not burn to an cd, it just says that the cd is empty.
These files, when i downed them were showing to be 15000 in size But anfter download they are all a little bigger-15057-15058 or so.
Any Ideas??
Besides just down again---
Somehow I think this flash fxp is adding something or I have a setting wrong that I'm not used to?
Please Help!
Thanks in advance!
I figured out that the crack that I used on the flash fxp that I was using, Caused flash to add bits to files making them unusable.
To fix the problem I just installed a good fresh copy of FXP, and NO more problem....

[ November 04, 2001: Last edited by BIGHEADover50 ]</p>
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