Originally posted by greypigeon@Nov 13 2002, 04:28 AM
Hi Flanderz,
Don't know if this is the right place to discuss here ?
It can be done by flashing the firmware of your writer with a small program :MTKFLASH.exe
You can find a lot of info here: (for Liteon drives)
Oh neat! I have a litie, unfortunately I can't even flash the damn thing with new bios!!

I guess because it is OEM. Good thing it has the last stable bios they put out before just adding more media signatures, so if it does not recognize the media, it just burns at max. :P I have not had a problem yet burning generic unidentified CDR media at 24X which is the MAX of my drive. Otherwise I get what is on special or get Memorex which I think has the best quality versus price ratio. I think out of about 300 memorex disks, I have only found maybe three defective ones ever. Generic ones run the risk of being crappy. One stack of 50 generic disks I got had over 10 defective disks in the stack!