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Old 4th Aug 08, 05:58 PM
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Apple resurrects iPhone tethering app, then kills it again
The on-again, off-again saga of NetShare, an iPhone tethering application, continued over the weekend as Apple briefly returned the program to the App Store on Friday, but then yanked it from the mart a second time. The NetShare application, which lets iPhone owners share the phone's EDGE or 3G cellular Internet connection with a notebook computer, reappeared Friday for several hours on Apple's App Store after being pulled Thursday . By approximately 10 p.m. PDT Friday, however, NetShare again went missing.

As of 3 p.m. Sunday, NetShare remained unavailable. Developer Nullriver Inc. had no idea why its software had been reposted to the App Store on Friday, or why it had been removed later in the day. "NetShare is now back up and available from the App Store!" the company said midday Friday in an update to a statement posted to its Web site. Hours later, it updated the online statement. "Apple has taken it down again, with no explanation yet again," Nullriver said early Saturday.

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