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Old 1st Aug 08, 06:44 AM
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The App Store: Grey Areas?
With Apple's highly successful release of the Application Store, the developers of such applications may find themselves in a predicament when it comes to the do's and don'ts. While reading the agreement of application development for the store, you will find many specific rules on what is, and isn't allowed.

TomTom, a top navigation company announced plans to release a special version of their software for the iPhone. Apple had explicitly mentioned in the agreement, that no 'turn-by-turn GPS software' can be released, however TomTom is still showing dedication to releasing the software.

Apple's rules have been causing mass confusion on the developer side, and can ultimately affect the iPhone market if this 'grey area' of rules remains.

With these rules not carved in stone, and not being enforced to the fullest, exceptions have now been proven to be made. An application recently slipped through Apple's cracks entitled 'NetShare', by Nullriver. This application allows you to tether your 3G or EDGE iPhone to your Mac, in turn allowing you to use your iPhone connection to access the web on your computer while on the go. Of course, tethering is also prohibited by Apple and many GSM providers. This time around the application made it on the App Store! Shortly after its public debut, NetShare was pulled down by the App Store authorities.


If Apple wants to end this developer confusion, and further enhance the usability of the iPhone, now may be a good time to reword the rules to allow more open and free development, which will ultimately give the consumers what they are craving.

Let's hear your opinions on this issue, Neowin!

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