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Old 16th Jul 08, 08:31 PM
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Apple iPhone 3G unlocked already
A group from Brazil has managed to unlock Apple's iPhone 3G handset just days after its release. The unlocked iPhone is displayed and demonstrated in an online video on a Portuguese-language news blog. An unlocked iPhone can be used with any Sim card and service provider.

IPhone user Bruno MacMasi said in an interview with Gizmodo that the unlocking process involved modifying the Sim hardware so that the International Mobile Subscriber Identity can be overwritten and removed from the original network. A similar process was used to unlock the original iPhone last year. Separately, a group of researchers known as the iPhone Devteam has released the first 'jailbreak' software releases for the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 2.0 software update. The 'jailbreak' term refers to the process of removing the software controls which prohibit users from installing software outside of the iPhone App Store.

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