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Old 9th Jul 08, 10:41 PM
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Hi Wase,

When you say two external HD's networked, what do you mean? Are these NTFS HDs? Networked how?

I took a trip downtown to the Apple Store and quizzed a guy about this and he confirms that if you hook an NTFS HD to a Mac directly, you can read it, but not write to it. However if the HD is on a server, a PC for example, you can read and write from the Mac.

I have a D-Link DNS 323 Server. Little box that holds two SATA HD's, run by Linux firmware. Ethernet wired to the router. Trouble is you have to format the HD's in Linux first. It has a primitive ftp program in the firmware. It's good for that or as a server for a Multimedia Player.

I found a driver for Mac that claims to enable writing to NTFS: Paragon NTFS4Mac 6.5, but I'm not ready to venture there yet.

Thanks for the tips on Chronosync and VisualHub, both of which are installed. I downloaded OnyX, but haven't checked it out yet.

This thread is turning into a FAQ. Wase, you helped me get off the ground on my adventure to discover Apple, the forbidden fruit! . I sure appreciate the time you gave me. So far, this baby is stable as a rock and I can't believe I'm doing this all on a little teeny weeny Mac Mini with a WD Studio Book, hanging off the side for Time Machine. I'm having a ball!

Last edited by rikytik : 9th Jul 08 at 10:47 PM.
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