By Archives, I mean original files in such categories as Jpg images, Music and Documents. I've been taking digital photos since 1997 and scanned my 3,000 35mm slides of the kids growing up, so that I could trash the slides, give away the Kodak Carousel trays, projector and screen. I've scanned many key old family photos, as well. In 2004, I converted my 300 LP collection to MP3 and sold the LP's. I'm not young and this is called downsizing.

I have a lot of family documents scanned and family history things.
All that is what I call "Archives", all on NTFS partitioned HD's. I keep a redundant copy on another HD, thus the need for a sync program. Don't know Chronosync, but will check it out.
As I understand it, OS/X can read, but not write to NTFS. So, what I figure is to move all that data to FAT HD's so that they will be R/W on Mac as well as Windows, since I consider all this stuff something my daughter will one day "open up" on whatever computer she has at the time.
Ok on the book marks, sidelined for the moment. I'll get back to it. Meanwhile I'm creating new ones in Firefox on an as needed basis.
I bought a WD Book (Studio) external drive that has Firewire/USB and eSATA interfaces. I'm using it for Time Machine via Firewire.
My sister discovered "Mac the Ripper" which solves another issue. btw, her iMac 24" is scheduled to arrive July 10. She's using her MacBook exclusively and has disassembled her desktop to dispose of in an environmentally safe way!
Got myself a Bluetooth KB and mouse and things are beginning to settle down. I turn on the Windows box only when I need access to some files I need to move over to the Mac.
I have Parallels installed in the Mac. Got WinXP STudent Version as the OS. Don't really need it now, but it's there if I need it. Manily what I need is the Address Book I have in Outlook 2003 to which I sync my PDA/Cell phone. Strange, but Entourage in Office 2008 cannot import contacts from Office 2003 or 2007. you've got to play around with vCards, or delimited text stuff. I find I'm losing notes and things that way.
There is an old ACDSee version for Apple, not maintained. you can get it with a Google Search free. I haven't yet tried it.
I didn't know Lightroom was available for Mac. Cool.
Man, I'm telling you---I'm having a ball with this new setup!