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Old 16th May 08, 11:17 PM
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NP with the "late answer", man...we all have lives to attend to!

Anyway, I have to reassure you that you CAN travel with just the MAC OS on the machine...I have been able to do EVERYTHING I could in windows, and LOTS MORE, so, for me, there hasn't been any desire to crap up my Mac HD with ANY version of Windows..
Isn't that the whole reason for going with MAC insted of WINTEL?

We have a laptop as well as the desktop, and its a blast to use; awesum battery life, faster in every aspect to a comparable win-tel laptop, and even though I haven't had to travel with it yet, its nice size and weight will make that a pleasure as well..

Almost 3 months into it, not a single blue screen, crash, or major disaster, and probably only had to do a force restart about twice in that time.
I leave it on 24-7; it goes to sleep when not in use, and wakes up automatically in the am at the time i set it for.
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