Originally Posted by
Well, I guess you can now add me to the list of Mac Owners, too...Waiting for my mac book and Mac Pro to be delivered in the next day or 2, and am really excited at the prospect..
Well, my MacBook Pro just arrived on Tuesday. It is by far the nicest, fastest, most awesome laptop I have ever used. Did you order the 15" or the 17" model? I find the 17" is a bit too big to be considered "portable" which is ultimately what I need, so I went with the smaller model. You can really feel the superior build quality to this machine...and the speed is blistering.
Switching isn't too hard. I used to read TUAW and the MacRumors Forums in the lead-up to my switch a few years back. By the time I got my Mac, I knew more than I realized and it was easy to learn.
I'd advise you to resist installing Windows as long as possible (or forever) so that you're forced to learn OS X and form new (more efficient) habits.
I'll expect a full report once your order arrives. Don't wear out your "refresh" button on the FedEx tracking page