Well, I guess you can now add me to the list of Mac Owners, too...Waiting for my mac book and Mac Pro to be delivered in the next day or 2, and am really excited at the prospect..
I've been a windows guy for 20+ years, and a beta tester for the last 15 for several companies, MS included, so I have been sort of an "expert" user at all things win-tel for a long long time..
Frankly, the fact that Vista was more of a downgrade than an upgrade, and it wont be long till XP disappears from the world, I decided that Mac really offered the best of all worlds, and since its really easy to run win-tel stuff on a mac now, it sholdn't be a problem dealing with the learning curve; plus, I am reading lots of Mac Books, Magazines, web sites/blogs and all, so It shouldn't take me more than a few days to be comfy working with it.
I just hope its 1/2 as sweet as most Mac fanatics seem to say it is!
Welcome back to B-1!