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Old 28th Feb 08, 10:07 AM
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Asus PM17TU 17inch Gamer LCD Display Review
The Asus PM17TU is an economical 17" LCD monitor designed for gamers. Its prime attribute is a fast screen which boasts a ghost-busting 3ms G-to-G pixel response time. The panel is very bright, which works well in game situations to bring colourful screens to life, yet it maintains a good contrast with the darker areas. Like many LCD displays designed with gaming in mind, the PM17TU has a glossy finish that makes colours seem a little more colourful. In the office environment where windows or other sources of light are often in the background, the glossy screen can be distracting however

By far the most assuring guarantee a new comer to LCD displays can make is that the screen won't contain any broken pixels. To that effect the 17" Asus PM17TU is covered by a 'Zero bright dot' guarantee; if any pixels stop functioning the monitor can be returned for a new display within one year of purchase. Asus' Splendid video intelligence technology adds a an extra touch of customization, with five different viewing scenarios for video, gaming, or photo viewing, etc.

*Source: PC Stats (*

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