BetaONE will rise again!

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Sephiroth 16th Aug 03 05:56 PM

If any of you are still interested in this, I'm finally done with it.  Well, almost, I have a few minor problems left to fix in the way it displays in Opera, but beyond that, I'm done.  If you're still interested in posting a photo of yourself, reply here and I'll pm you the user and pass for it :)

KingCobra 16th Aug 03 06:01 PM

Sephiroth - I'll try it.* B)

Edit - Nice job. I like it!

Keru 16th Aug 03 06:09 PM

me will try  B)

unicorn 16th Aug 03 06:35 PM

I tried it, as always using Opera, and boy, I hope you manage to fix the problem there...
Apart from that it's nice. Right now I couldn't figure out how to make a comment. I like the ability to sort the pics in different ways.
Are there gonna be a maximum size of the pics, a max amount, can one change a pic in some way?
Way to go anyway!
Personally I don't know really. I have allready made up pics of all of you and from what I have seen this far all my pics (in my mind, you know what I mean) are far from the reality. As usual I find my own imagination superior. I can throw a pic of me there, not sure I'll look at your though.

Sephiroth 16th Aug 03 06:41 PM

there isn't a max amount of pictures it can hold, as long as we don't run out of space on the server we can keep putting pictures in there,  the max size per picture is 1mb

to make a comment, when you're viewing a picture, there should be an add your comment box below the pictures information

you can't change the pictures once you've submitted them, but if you need something changed then an admin can do it

and the opera bug, i'm still trying, i'll get it fixed, i just don't know how yet :lol:

Shiromagius 17th Aug 03 10:36 AM

Im still interested Seph :)

shygirl 18th Aug 03 07:00 PM

I'm interested

HotRod 18th Aug 03 07:11 PM


billybob3 18th Aug 03 10:31 PM

me too!!

TheMysterio 19th Aug 03 06:10 AM

When i clicked oin that link it is asking for user name and password
i wanted to see the Gallery page


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