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Dijital 15th Jul 03 08:48 AM

**I have just been informed of the first bug of my SuperDVD**
When you try to install Windows XP Plus it says the path can not be found, however it is there so you will have to manually explore to the folder under 'APPLICATIONS' FOLDER
Here is what I plan to add to V_1.5:
Many new boot features, ERD Commander 2003, NAV 2003/2004, DriveImage 7, and many other things similar to KH's cd's, however some of the things I don't know how to get to boot off there so I may need some assistance anyone willing to offer who has built their own multiboot CD with KH's tutorials??

This is what is currently on My SuperDVD_V1
Operating Systems:
Windows XP Pro VLK
Windows XP Home VLK
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition
Windows XP Preinstallation Environment
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition VLK
Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition
Windows 2003 Standard Edition VLK
Windows 2003 Standard Edition
Windows 2003 Web Edition VLK
Windows 2003 Web Edition

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Microsoft Internet Security Acceleration Server 2000
Microsoft Office XP Professional Corp
Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition
Microsoft Plus! for Windows XP
Microsoft Publisher XP
Microsoft Visio XP

Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0
Ahead Nero 5 & 6 (w/Keygen)
Alcohol 120%
Bandwidth monitor
Dr DivX 1.02
Norton Ghost 8
WinISO 5.3
WinRAR 3.20 Corporate Edition
VMWare 4
Virtual PC5
and much much more...........

Any other requests for future versions?
And Here are some screenshots for ya guys too Enjoy!

Let the comments roll in good or bad.
Any other requests for future versions?

Thankbot 15th Jul 03 08:48 AM

3 Users already said Thank You!

RadiationBoy, TRYJAY, NoFear,

TheMysterio 15th Jul 03 08:54 AM

looks Great, Nice Work :thumbup:

Kawadevil 15th Jul 03 08:56 AM

:blink: No more discjugling any more :blink: .

Thanks Dijital, nice work

sswhite 15th Jul 03 10:03 AM

Nice work dijital.

rikytik 15th Jul 03 11:13 AM


Kostas54 15th Jul 03 11:23 AM

With this one I don't need anything else. Great job

:D :D :D

Zone-MR 15th Jul 03 01:57 PM

Wow, good job on it, excellent idea, and incredibly useful to have an all in one disk like this.

Keep up the good job, and I hope to see it soon :D

war59312 15th Jul 03 06:36 PM

Am I correct assuming they all include the latest serivce pack. Like win2k sp4, winxp sp2 and win2k3 sp1, etc. Or just finaly versions like win2ksp4 and winxp sp1.

Just wondering. Would be nice if you did a final version and a beta version of your dvd.

Like instead of office xp have office 2003, etc.

Dijital 15th Jul 03 06:42 PM

For right now I have only have finals service packs, I may build another version with betas. If enough people demand it. Anything else you think should be on tehre or any extra applications in the _SOFTWARE directory?
DOH!! I forgot Norton Systemworks 2003 think I should add that in?
And here is a screenshot of my CPU at 100% RARing it estimated time remaining 4 hours.:

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