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TheMysterio 14th Jul 03 01:27 PM

does any one watch the Cricket sport? Just wanted to know


*MO* 14th Jul 03 02:45 PM

yeah i do. why?
who's your team?
Mine is South Africa. you play the sport?

TheMysterio 14th Jul 03 03:14 PM

mine is india(being my country) and Australia(the best in the world)
i do play cricket. i love that game

PIETER 14th Jul 03 10:20 PM

I did play cricket when I was younger, but now I only watch it.. S.A rules... I just don';t like the new Captain yet...

DoG 15th Jul 03 12:21 AM

LOL, you missed the latest tournament then :P

I support the national side (England) and my local county side, lancashire. Have followed it for about 5 years now and have travelled around the UK watching it :)

TheMysterio 15th Jul 03 05:10 AM

SA lost pretty badly..but england is now becoming a really good team . It all took nasser husein to resign his captaincy :)

*MO* 15th Jul 03 12:40 PM

SA are good players, its just that we let our players get driven my money and greed. and the love of the sport is out of our team. its all about politics now. its bad. The no longer care about the supporters and fans, all they worry about is their new BMW M3's and Ferrari's. its bad. :(

ernest 15th Jul 03 06:38 PM

In my opinion the best team game of them all.

Cartel 15th Jul 03 10:18 PM

I played alot of cricket back in high school. Now its just rugby though. But I still watch. It's a pitty South Africa lost out on that NATwest series. We're just starting to get there again. Would've loved it if they managed to win the series. Better luck next time. ;)

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