BetaONE will rise again!

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-   -   Help with IRC please! (http:\\\forum/showthread.php?t=858)

Investor 20th Apr 02 05:08 PM

Hi, I've been useing #betas channel for few months now, but today the power got shut down and when I restart PC and started mIRC, then I go to join #betas, the following appears:
>>You need a registered nick to join that channel.<<

Even if admin of this IRC server did make that rule, I use my nikname which I use on board, so it should work.

Any idea

Investor 21st Apr 02 09:39 AM

Sorry for puting this thread in the Software section, I didn't scroll till the end of the page and didn't see IRC.
Also this isn't about #betaOne IRC, but different.

genius001 21st Apr 02 01:28 PM


if you are talking about our server u surely mean #beta right?

afaik there is no such restriction in our channel.
if there is, a registered nick in irc is something else than here in the forums.

in irc for registering your nick you would login as nik, if u get named different use

/nick nik

after that register it


this will get u your nick registered on the irc server, u should get an email too, dont know if that is implemented yet on our relatively new server.

now you will need to identify every time you enter the server with

/msg nickserv identify YOURPASSWORD

all this procedure makes sure noone else can login to irc as nik...

if i miunderstood your problem...sorry

Investor 21st Apr 02 02:40 PM

Thanks, genius001!
The problem's been solved, I went to few other channels and when I just entered it - the message popup that "I have IRC Trojan virus"
I run Norton and the IRC files were all infected. Don't know how it happened, but now I can join again.


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