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Keru 28th May 03 06:19 AM

know that this has been brought up before but have a query/suggestion

since the topic starter cant edit his/her own topic title when one wants to
close a thread the only way of now would be :

to edit ones post

bump it

then pray that the mods see it :lol:

ok heres my query part .... noticed that there is a "report this post" button
couldnt this button also be used for helping a mod close a thread?

Im sure we dont have or maybe a little who use this for reporting

lately have noticed a lot of threads that can be closed and maybe put away
this "if put away or deleted if u want to call it" Im sure would help da load on our servers


Jarod888 28th May 03 07:40 AM

In the sections that I moderate, I personally have no problem with people using the report a post feature, so as long as they post to close the thread at the bottom, you could also send me a Pm if you want.

Keru 28th May 03 08:37 AM

thanx for shedding some light for moi :lol:

KingCobra 1st Jun 03 05:05 PM

I also welcome PM's for any reason. I'm here daily in and out.

Zone-MR 1st Jun 03 05:49 PM


Originally posted by Keru@May 28 2003, 04:19 AM
since the topic starter cant edit his/her own topic title when one wants to <snip>
Give me two days and when I get this math exam out the way I'll code a change topic title feature into the edit post screen.

Update: Screw the exam. Enjoy the new feature. :D

Voodoo 1st Jun 03 06:10 PM


Originally posted by Zone-MR@Jun 1 2003, 05:49 PM
Give me two days and when I get this math exam out the way I'll code a change topic title feature into the edit post screen.

Update: Screw the exam. Enjoy the new feature. :D

Zone-MR, thanks for the new feature. And good luck with your math exam. I am sure you will ace it. ;)

Dave B)

Keru 2nd Jun 03 08:34 AM

thanx from me too Zone-MR great feature

wish ya da best on your exam m8 ;)

Keru 2nd Jul 03 08:40 AM

plz bring dis feature back ;)

Zone-MR 4th Jul 03 01:04 AM


plz bring dis feature back
Done. Hopefully. :D

richardc2000 4th Jul 03 01:59 AM

@Zone-MR - thanks
I think it is a good feature, too

good luck on the exam

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