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felixml 16th May 03 04:55 PM

Network Eagle Monitor 3.1 Beta 1
Beta Version

Author: Effective Systems Ltd.

Program Type: Shareware

Download Now!
File Description: *Open ZIP Files!

Network Eagle is a network monitor program. You can create categorized list of checks on a set and forget basis. It can ping a server, monitor TCP port, check HTTP URL (with HTTP auth), test FTP link, check disk space usage, execute external command check, check databases via ODBC, monitor MS SQL server via native interface. You can write your own script checks using JS and VBS or any other script provider like ActivePerl or Active Python installed on your system. It runs checks at regular intervals and activates predefined alerts on given condition. It can be a sound alert, sending e-mail (icq, pager or mobile via mail gate), execute external program or execute user-written Java, VB script.

Changes in Current Version:
Fixed bug in open data file dialog
Fixed bug with scripting, when program crashed by VBScript while syntax cheking
Added ability to include files into script checks and script alerts (see Scripting.txt)
Added ability to assess to all check's parameters, like URL in HTTP checks or PORT in port checks, in alerts (see Scripting.txt)

Download Network Eagle Monitor 3.1 Beta 1


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