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-   -   Windows Server 2003 VLK WindowsUpdate Fix v5 (http:\\\forum/showthread.php?t=8054)

felixml 14th May 03 03:15 PM

Found this one:

Name: Windows Server 2003 VLK WindowsUpdate Fix v5
Description: After installing Windows Server 2003 Corporate
using that wide-spread VLK it becomes impossible to use
WindowsUpdate because Microsoft has blacklisted the key.

This patch solves the problem.

Anybody tried yet?

hteunissen 14th May 03 03:33 PM

Yes, it works and there is already version 5.5 out.

~*McoreD*~ 14th May 03 03:40 PM

Remember/Read the rules guys!

1. BetaONE is NOT a warez board! We do NOT provide cracks or links to illegal software.

So, please DO NOT post LINKS to patches/cracks.
Thank you!

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