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felixml 2nd May 03 09:46 PM

Windows 2003 Enterprise Server Trial to Final Conversion


Follow these steps closely and you will have a nice Windows 2003 Enterprise Server disk that will activate as well as allow you to use Windows Update.

Step 1:
Click Here and follow the directions. This will get you a link to download windows, as well as the product key you will need for installation and activation.

Step 2:
Wait a few minuets for the email from Microsoft containing your Product key and download link. When you get the email download the iso and print a copy of the cd-key as you will need this latter.

Step 3:
Open the ISO using WinISO or any other similar program for editing ISO's.

Step 4:
Go into the i386 folder and erase the file named:

Step 5:
Click: and down that file.

Step 6:
When the files done downloading rename it to:

Step 7:
Place the above file you just downloaded and renamed into the i386 folder of the ISO file you have open, after this save the ISO and close the program.

Step 8:
Burn the ISO to a CD if you like or extract the files somewhere on your hard drive if you like and when your done install windows.

Step 9:
Use the CD-Key you printed in step 2 and finish installing windows.

Step 10:
Log into your freshly installed windows and activate it, :) and now your done and have a full functional activated Windows 2003 Server Enterprise, and your Windows Update will still work. :)

Isn't Microsoft nice? All this time they have been giving away there software, just we didn't take the time to understand it.


Cactus 2nd May 03 10:25 PM


Isn't Microsoft nice? All this time they have been giving away there software, just we didn't take the time to understand it.
:D And then think of the year of work they've put in Windows Procudt Activation. Nice one! And thanks Mr. K., for that one file . . .

I guess M$ will never learn!

Tomboy 2nd May 03 10:32 PM


Hold on there!!! Did you set the clock ahead a year or two to test your creation? I believe you will find that there is a second timebomb cleverly hidden in this program. M$ has wised up to this hack since WXP. Find out where the second timebomb is at, and how to get rid of it if you really want to impress us.


greypigeon 2nd May 03 11:55 PM

You're right Tomboy
Believe me, I have tested everything so far, nothing works for the moment <_<
Just set the clock to 2004 and see what happens

unicorn 3rd May 03 12:41 AM

I second greypigeon on this.
I just finished a test, following the above instructions exactly.

o- installed (ok)
o- activated (ok)
o- rebooted changed the systemtime 2 years and 2 months ahead
o- rebooted
o- and was locked out (not that ok...)

Before and after activation Wininfo gave me:
Activation status: Not applicable
Expiration date: Not applicable
Install Type: Full version

So, unfortunately this doesn't work either.

brio 3rd May 03 04:10 PM

Exactly !

We're still installing and activating using an evaluation key, only good for 180 days.

FrogBait4 5th May 03 02:46 AM


Originally posted by brio@May 3 2003, 09:10 AM
Exactly !

We're still installing and activating using an evaluation key, only good for 180 days.

Have you tried TweakNT 1.21 on it?

The guyz at IEXBeta swear it removes the timebomb...

robinwilson16 8th May 03 11:12 AM

I will have to try this and see what happens ;)

brio 8th May 03 03:06 PM

Yes, I used TweakNT 1.21, removed the timebomb, set my system clock ahead 1 year, and rebooted. To quote a poster in another forum, at this point I got the "Finger", a popup window telling me my installation is over the time period and Windows cannot start. Back to square one.

robinwilson16 9th May 03 03:47 PM

Yep it doesn't work :(

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