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FrogBait4 30th Apr 03 12:00 AM

Is there a setting for displaying the version number/OS name on the desktop, like in WinXP and Win2000???

I'm using the Classic folders & desktop & start menu, and I'll be dual-booting with WinXP and/or Win2000, and I'd like to know what O/S I'm logged on to with a glance...

Thank YoU!!! :P

FrogBait4 5th May 03 02:48 AM


I guess this was a fantastically stupid question... :unsure:

...Or else no one else cares... ;)

DoG 5th May 03 03:24 AM

There is an option in tweakUI that allows you to display what OS you are running on the desktop:

Bottom checkbox in the list "Show Windows Version On Desktop"

FrogBait4 5th May 03 04:01 AM


Originally posted by DoG@May 4 2003, 08:24 PM
There is an option in tweakUI that allows you to display what OS you are running on the desktop:

Bottom checkbox in the list "Show Windows Version On Desktop"

...There is a TweakUI for Win 2003 Server???... :blink:

...Heh, heh...Sorry, DoG - I couldn't resist... :P

unicorn 5th May 03 04:14 AM

Well frogbait,

yes and no: I have a file here called "Tweakui_Powertoy_for_Windows_XP_reworked_for_2003 .msi" sized around 330 kB. It's not an official m$ tweakie.
Then xsetup works with 2003 also, I don't recall though if the little tweak you are looking for is included there but I thnk so.

FrogBait4 5th May 03 04:22 AM


Originally posted by .unicorn@May 4 2003, 09:14 PM
Well frogbait,

yes and no: I have a file here called "Tweakui_Powertoy_for_Windows_XP_reworked_for_2003 .msi" sized around 330 kB. It's not an official m$ tweakie.
Then xsetup works with 2003 also, I don't recall though if the little tweak you are looking for is included there but I thnk so.

Thanks, .unicorn - is there a URL for that (besides Google?)...

Anyway, I found the Reg hack, and it works -

To configure Windows 2003 Server so that the build number is displayed on the desktop:

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate and click the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

4. In the right pane, double-click PaintDesktopVersion.
5. Type 1 in the Value data box, and then click OK.
6. Click Exit on the Registry menu.
7. Log off, and then log on to the computer.

The build number is displayed in the lower-right corner of your desktop, for example:

Windows 2003 Server, Enterprise Edition
Build 3790

NOTE: If you no longer want the Windows 2003 build number to be displayed on your desktop, follow the preceding steps, but type 0 in the Value data box in step 5.

I like it!!! :D

Edit: This hack requires a reboot.

richardc2000 5th May 03 05:41 AM

Myself, I just use different backgrounds - much easier than wearching in the bottom right hand corner with my old eyes.

unicorn 5th May 03 08:06 AM

Frogbait, see your PM.

And yes, just checked and the option is there to be find in Xsetup also.

DoG 5th May 03 08:58 AM

As .unicorn says there isn't an official tweakUI for windows server 2003 .......................................... but tweakUI 133 for windows NT works fine and i also have a tweakUI msi installer that works as well :D

~*McoreD*~ 5th May 03 10:50 AM

thanks FrogBait4 for sharing what you found. i am gonna test it in my both xp and server 2003. :)

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