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adams 27th Apr 03 03:10 AM

it said that when i started up ps7 right after i installed it today on my grandmother's computer.

celeron 1.7g
512MB ram
30gb hd (single partition)

now, when ever i go into it, it's real slow and then i start working then ps crashes. can anyone tell me what it means and what to do about it?


Vinnie 27th Apr 03 03:24 AM

There's not much you can do except create a new partition or get a second hard drive. I never have had a problem with it crashing using one partition. You might try shutting everything down that's running in the background and see if it still crashes. It might be something else that's causing it to crash.

I went to adobes site and they have a trouble shooting guide related to your problem that might help. _

User Needs 27th Apr 03 03:26 AM

I hate to say this but, "put in another H/D and install to it you won't have this problem"
It really really doesn't like to run on one drive!

~*McoreD*~ 27th Apr 03 03:29 AM

strange! ran adobe photoshop 7 in a PII 400 with 512mb ram. no partitions at all. but didnt had this warning!
yea, looks like there is no any other option u can do except for partitioning and moving the 'scratch and windows' to the other partition.

Binninn 27th Apr 03 03:40 AM

Hey Hello Vinnie.

.......are you willing to PM me ???

this messages will appere when you have many app open with photoshop rigth ???

Nd4Spd 27th Apr 03 02:36 PM

Part of it may also be how much free space you have on that drive. If you are working large files w/ only a few hundred MB free, you can get that problem.

They're right, another drive would fix it. You *might* be able to mess w/ the swap file to fix it but not sure that's going to work.

Just go grab a cheap used 2 or 3 gb and dump it in. Won't cost much.


adams 27th Apr 03 04:58 PM

well my grandmother didn't really need it. i just installed it so i could mess around while i was here.

but i also have this problem on my laptop now.
specs for the laptop:
amd xp1500+
384mb ddr
20gb hd (single partition)

Nd4Spd 27th Apr 03 06:46 PM

Might try the Adobe KB and see if there are any issues. I know there is a 7.01 update that might take care of some problems.


adams 27th Apr 03 07:30 PM

ok thanks everyone.

if i can't get it solved on the laptop, i'll install 6 and see if it has the same problem.

miko11 2nd May 03 02:05 PM

I did not experience this notice until i installed with XP OS (used to have ME) -
I have lots of Plugins and found if i increased 'pagefile' minimum size it speed improved.

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