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Menace Inc 4th Mar 03 09:23 PM

Looking forward to the openning :D :D

JacKDynne 4th Mar 03 09:26 PM

Holy Crow :ph34r:

Where is that sucker at?

/me is gonna try to fit a trip into the family travel budget :D :D


KingCobra 4th Mar 03 10:03 PM

Oh CHIT! I rode "The Edge" before those people were killed in Gurnee IL at Six Flags Great America and they tore it down. I've rode "The Giant Drop" with my wife 6x in a row. This new ride looks really cool! B)

stumuzz 4th Mar 03 10:16 PM

I feel sick just looking at it.


VP 4th Mar 03 10:22 PM


Originally posted by JacKDynne@Mar 4 2003, 04:26 PM
Holy Crow :ph34r:

Where is that sucker at?

/me is gonna try to fit a trip into the family travel budget :D :D


Cedar Point is in Sandusky,Ohio USA

I only live about 40 min away from there. :D

SlickVic78 4th Mar 03 10:23 PM

DAMN! How that passed safety insepections is beyond me... Talk about one hell of a RUSH! :)


Dave 4th Mar 03 11:15 PM

Wow, looks awesome.
We need to get VP a webcam so he can share that with us.

unicorn 4th Mar 03 11:43 PM

I'm temptated... I'm also old enough to have a good insurance.
Mayve we should have a swap at VPs place and meet and have a few beers and then go to this place Cedar Point?!

SlickVic78 5th Mar 03 12:46 AM


Originally posted by .unicorn@Mar 4 2003, 06:43 PM
I'm temptated... I'm also old enough to have a good insurance.
Mayve we should have a swap at VPs place and meet and have a few beers and then go to this place Cedar Point?!

Can someone say FIELD TRIP!!! :lol: Hey, you only live once! :D


Sephiroth 5th Mar 03 05:21 AM

omfg, /me gets in the car and starts driving to ohio, I don't live too far from there so VP, I'll be at your house shortly :D

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