BetaONE will rise again!

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marcovaleriof 20th Jan 03 07:49 PM

I see now...

but what 's

Referals: No Referals
Refered By: Not Refered? <_<

Jessica 20th Jan 03 08:08 PM

maybe they have a new point system....

where if you Refer someone to the boards and they register and say you refered them; you get X amount of points.

and maybe after so many points you get a stuffed bear or something?

DoG 20th Jan 03 08:13 PM

Good guess Jessica. Keep your eye's peeled

[SiN] 21st Jan 03 12:44 AM

there is something in the works that may just have a stuffed bear as a prize ;)

we just tried the referal system out to see if it will work for some plans we came up with, we may use it may not... time will tell

marcovaleriof 22nd Jan 03 02:51 PM


now it's more clear

but where's my bear??? :P


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