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M31 13th Jan 03 11:42 PM

There is no doubt that Pete Townsend is a legend in the music business but he also human like all of us. We also know that out there on the net there are some pretty sick f**kers who get off on all sorts of weird crap.

From what I have read in the press it looks as though he was trying to do something fairly genuine but went the wrong way about it. I do not think he is a paedophile.

What do people think?

agamemnon 15th Jan 03 07:56 AM

this is a man who has gererated millions for charity he deserves due process of law
of course if he is found guilty he is a sick f--k

billybiker 15th Jan 03 06:36 PM

what's the story about Townsend then......think I have missed something here.......gonna do a search......Gary+Glitter+Johnathon King+townsend+pop-paedophilia circle........should do it

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