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RadiationBoy 23rd Dec 02 12:54 AM

hey all, well my collage desided to screw everyone and some how they made the download speeds for p2p programs like kazza and winmx suck, around 1k/s tops, usally .5k/s. :( So I've been trying to think of other ways too download music. like FTPs or Newsgroups. Has anyone found a really good alternitive way to trade music? just wondering.


~*McoreD*~ 23rd Dec 02 03:18 AM

This is just what I am currently doing, after getting fed up of kazaa etc. like you :)
================================================== =======

Install mIRC 6.03
Open mIRC
File > Options > Connect > IRC Network = EFNet > (From the dropdown meny below) EFNet: EU, UK, London
Connect to the IRC Server
Join Channel > #mp3addict

This is just a guide for n00bs like me

To begin:
You will see a lot of members like chatting. It is not chatting actually, it is giving kinda commands.
If u r new to these, take sometime to observe

Notice these: (other members usually type)

@Dacy or something like that:
This is a command to download the list of the mp3s the member Decy has. Another example is @Dacota'. It is to download the list Dakota' has.

Once you download the notepads (lists). You will see songs like this:
!dacy Eminem - The Eminem Show - 02 - White America.mp3
This is the command you have to paste in the #mp3channel.

To find a song, let's say I want MJ's Invincible:
Then type @find michael jackson invincible

Tips: See what other users downloading. If they type something like
!MobiusOne Dave Matthews Band (07-15-00 Veterans Stadium) 10 - John The Revelator.mp3
that means !MobiusOne has got a list of mp3s. Quickly type @MobiusOne and get his list. This way you could have every ppl's lists and find every song you want

Tips for finding MP3s
Looking for MP3s? Most server scripts are all setup to use @find
some do use @locator also but it is best to stick with @find unless
told otherwise. When using @find go with Artist first then song name.

1. If your new to Leeching and are not sure how things work, watch how
other people are finding the files they want or just ask. There's alot
of really nice people who are happy to help.

2. Make sure that your requests are made in channel,
goto General options (Alt.+O)
Sounds... Requests and "uncheck" Send '!nick file' as private message.

3. The most common mistake "Leechers" make is that they have
an "Empty Space" before their request, example
<Alrac> !WeiRDgeRL U2 - Beautiful day.mp3
<Alrac> !WeiRDgeRL U2 - Beautiful Day.mp3
See the difference? before you hit the "Enter Key" make sure you look
at your request(s) before sending it to channel.

4. Make your @find short as not every Server names their mp3s the same
example, @find Blessid Union My Brother would probably get more results
than @find Blessid Union Of Souls Brother My Brother
try different variations, also if any song title has a " ' "(don't,can't)
in it try an @find with it and without it.

5. When using @find don't be in a hurry, most servers have a 10 second
interval between @find(s). If you make a mistake or try another @find
just wait 10 seconds and retry, that way your @find will goto all servers.

6. Servers using Spr JukeBox v8.6 like myself have a so called "bug"
(I think it's a feature) try this trick when using @find
@find Alrac Blessid My Brother
this will send your @find directly to Alrac it takes a few seconds
longer but well worth it. In a large mp3 channel this is very handy.

7. When you get alot of results from your @find and you made your request
and still have alot of msg windows left, you can type this
/close -m that will close "ALL" msg windows instead of hitting the [X] on
remaining windows (I'm lazy).

8. When making requests, don't "Hammer" the servers. Meaning, the servers
aren't going anywhere, take your time between requests. Flooding a channel
with alot of requests will probably get you Kicked & Banned from channel.

9. After you have made your request(s) you'll be either getting your file
or you will be in the server's que(wait for next Open Slot). Stay in
channel, you can change your nick but you "Must" remain in channel.

10. When recieving your file, don't make rude comments about the servers
saying that their DCC Send(s) are very slow. Not every server is on a
Broadband connect. Stop the transfer if you like and use another server.
Saying rude things will most likely result in a Kick & Ban.

These are just some things that I found helpful when I started "leeching"
I'm sure there's more and if I think of any I'll add to this list. That's
about all for now, enjoy yourself.

Here are the rules:
This is the unofficial channel rules.
Stuff that can result in being kicked/banned from the channel:

1- This is a LEECH only channel. We do not trade or allow ratios
2- Do not hammer the bots **Paste 4 songs at a time in interval periods of 30 secs. (do not
paste the INFO part) Ignoring this request will result in a ban.**
3- No repeating, channel floods or innapropriate messages
4- No Onjoins
5- No inviting to other channels
6- NO spamming
7- NO abuse to OPs or other users
8- do not ask for ops
9- No warez or porn

hammering the bots, keep request spread out. don't request lists/stats/ques repeatedly. Be patient, you're getting this stuff for free.

Being abusive. BE NICE.
Basic mirc setup stuff:

1. Hit alt-o
2. go to Sounds, Requests, turn off send !nick as private message.
3. go to DCC, select auto-resume. This will speed up transfers.
4. go to DCC, Folders, and add *.vbs to ignore file types. This is a safety precaution that defeats a virus attack through distribution of the links.vbs file.

ok, now on to the mp3 stuff....

How do I get a list?
You get a list by typing @nick, where nick is the name of the server's list you want. Frequent requests slow down the bot nd may reult in a kick/ban.
Example: @minybot-mp3 would get minybot-mp3's list

Ok, I have the list, now what?
Copy and paste the file name from the list into the channel, being sure to include the !botname part.
Example: !minybot method man judgement day.mp3

What's a que?
A que is a sort of a waiting line for mp3's. You'l get your file, you just have to wait a bit. Kinda like taking a number at the store. Be patient.

How do I check my que status?
Check your que status qith the @nick-que command. This will tell you your status in the bot's que. If you have no files in the que, it will often tell you how many que slots are taken. Don't request this frequently, as it slows the bot down. Alos, it can ruslt in a kick/ban.
Example: @efn-mp3-que

What's a min cps limit?
Most bots have a minimum cps limit. This is the slowest speed you can transfer a file at from that bot. If your speed goes below this, the transfer will be terminated. Limits vary from bot to bot. If you can't meet the limit, don't complain. THIS IS FREE.

How do I see the server's stats?
Stats are a neat thing to look at to get info about a bot. You get send info, which can let you know how fast a server is, and how fast it's min cps limit is. Use the @nick-stats command. Frequent requests slow down the bot nd may reult in a kick/ban.
Example: @badana-stats

How do I find songs?
Ok, the best way to fins songs is by using the @find command. When you use it, try and use the essential parts from a song or bands title ti ensure that yo get the best results. For example, if looking for Crhis Rock, No Sex in the Champagne Room; don't do @find chris rock no sex in the champagne room; do something like @find chris*rock*sex*
Example: @find metallica*roam*
--Note-- If you don't get any results, no one has what you searched for. This could mean no one has it, or your search criteria weren't well chosen.

How do I get out of a que?
Use the @nick-remove command.
Example: @gober-mp3-remove
--Note-- This will generally remove ALL qued files from a bot.

Who has the fastest bot?
Who cares, it's all free!

How do I set up a server?
Get a script that will let you do this. Many are available, I highly recommend SprJukebox ( It's easy and works well.
also SDFind (

Questions not answered here?
ask in the channel, we'll usually help.

richardc2000 23rd Dec 02 03:48 AM

thanks for this one, McoreD

RadiationBoy 24th Dec 02 06:37 AM

thanks for the reply, thats seems like a pretty good way.

BOOMSHOT 24th Dec 02 09:32 AM


pmi 24th Dec 02 03:05 PM


PcDad 24th Dec 02 04:40 PM

Whatcha got??

harrytoole 24th Dec 02 04:56 PM


FreeUS 24th Dec 02 05:45 PM

There is a program called Fastream FTP. To me will be the next step to share :). Its like p2p but with FTP. (The old dream to have an FTP ring become true ;) )

BTW, there are betters alternatives on IRC than that :). You better check my olds post ;) (if exist today...)

Alpine 24th Dec 02 06:33 PM

what see !!

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