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chrisa107 6th Nov 02 10:25 PM

I want to reinstall XP on my laptop which only has one hard drive, and I was wondering if i can partition it, put things like music and docs on one partition, and clean install XP on the other. I'm used to having two or three hard drives at my disposal, so I'm kinda unfamiliar with partitions. Thanks for the help.

HotRod 6th Nov 02 11:33 PM

You can partion the Hard drive anyway you want as long as it has enough space. Remeber it takes 1.5 - 2 gig just to load XP

tubebuoy 8th Nov 02 04:05 AM

Yes you can and I recommend that you do.

I have 1 HD (40gig). C: drive is 10gig. It is for the OS and apps. Then I have 12 partitions @ 2.5gig. These are where I keep my 'projects'. This way if your OS becomes corrupt, you can wipe C:drive and your 'work' will still be safe.


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