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NewsBot 31st Jul 08 08:44 PM

Next banned game "could be BioShock 2"
Vincent Scheurer has issued a warning over the possible future of a BBFC rated games industry, at the Develop conference in Brighton.

Scheurer, founder of the business consultancy Sarassin, said that the costs RockStar incurred in overturning the BBFC's ban on Manhunt 2 would have put an independent developer out of business, and further warned that due to the vague reasons given for the ban any game could be next.

"The costs of the Manhunt 2 ban to RockStar were massive - an independent developer would be out of business," he explained.

"It makes the business of making games that much harder."

During his talk, he explained the stated reasons behind the Manhunt 2 ban, including the level of realism, the lack of a puzzle element and the lack of humour.


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